Hello Multi-Language Learners!

Curious how our students are performing on the English Language Proficiency Assessments for California Results (ELPAC)? You can view that information on the CA Dashboard by CLICKING HERE. Also, on that page you can access on California Assessment for Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) scores for the 2019-2020 school year to see how Lincoln students are performing.

Lincoln Elementary is proud to have a diverse group of families that share their many languages with our district and its students.  We want to make students and families successful in their educational journey, so we support every family with resources to strengthen their multi-cultural academic foundation.  Please visit the following sites to help us further this goal:
Raz-Kids is an online reading program that students can access from home.  Students have the opportunity to listen and/or read stories and then answer comprehension questions about what they have read.  Books are leveled to meet the needs of emerging readers through grade 5.
Reading Eggs is another online reading program at Lincoln that provides students with phonetic practice through games.  As students work through each level, vocabulary, concepts of print, and comprehension are also targeted in this program.
Another new online program to Lincoln Elementary is Spelling City.  This program was introduced during the previous school year and teachers found it effective and motivational for students when practicing their spelling lists.  This is a game based way to practice and review spelling words given in their classroom.
A math website called Prodigy is a fun way students can practice math skills.  There is placement test for students when beginning this program.  It will also send parents updates on your student's progress.