School Wellness Council
- Bicycle safety course
- Blue Zone restaurants catered PTA evening events
- Healthy snacks options for staff
- Yoga/mindfulness for students during statewide testing
- Yoga/mindfulness for staff
- Parent education speaker (coming soon)
New at Lincoln - Wellness Wednesdays!
To promote healthy eating habits among our students, the Lincoln Elementary Wellness Council hosts Wellness Wednesdays on campus. Our purpose is to offer Lincoln students and staff exposure to a variety of healthy fresh fruit and vegetable options on campus during their lunch period once a month, which will improve their overall health but also enhance their concentration, energy levels, and academic performance.
Please review the available slots below to support the Wellness Wednesdays at LES! We appreciate your time and energy! Both options to prep and/or serve students to continue to expose them to fresh produce and know the amazing impact of food on UPLIFTING US FROM THE INSIDE OUT!
Upcoming Wellness Wednesday Dates – 2/21, 3/20, & 4/24