How does Eureka Math support those Standards?
Lincoln Elementary has adopted Eureka Math because it better aligns with three key shifts in Common Core Math:
1. Greater focus on fewer topics
Eureka Math's content is organized around a "story" that unifies its content. In TK-5, it is called "A Story of Units." This story builds students' understanding of and ability to manipulate units. The standards call for students to study cases such as whole numbers, fractions, decimals, and measurements. Through their study, students learn about commonalities between units (e.g., they can be added, subtracted, multiplied and divided). Students also learn the unique features of some units (e.g, a rectangle's area units can be calculated by multiplying the rectangle's length and width).
2. Coherence: Linking topics and thinking across grades
Whether across a story, a grade band, a grade level, or a module, sequence is everything. Using its theme as an anchor, each Eureka Math story systematically organizes standards to leverage connections between concepts. Connections support students to access new learning and problem solving. The progression of conceptual understanding moves from simple to complex. At times that movement may be evident within a lesson, across a module, across a grade level, or even across grade bands.
Eureka Math's use of a specific set of models (e.g., tape diagrams, number line, number bonds) further supports coherence. Using a consistent set of models over time allows students to develop familiarity with them. As new concepts and skills are introduced, prior experience using the model in other situations naturally encourages students to make connections between content. Those connections deepen understanding.
3. Rigor: Pursue conceptual understanding, procedural skills and fluency, and application with equal intensity
Different lesson types and suggested delivery methods invite students to practice, explore, collaborate, and share and critique work with peers. The daily Student Debrief is a critical lesson component that provides ongoing opportunities for students to reflect on their learning about mathematics, recognizing patterns, and verbalizing connections between new and prior learning.
A menu of Fluency Practice helps students in Kindergarten through Grade 5 develop speed and accuracy. The curriculum suggests specific activities to maintain existing skills, to prepare for the current lessons with recently learned skills and to anticipate skills for upcoming lessons. Daily Fluency Practice is a substantial component of each lesson.
Modules include problems that encourage students to think quantitatively and creatively and that provide opportunities for students to model situations using mathematics. A range of problems serve multiple purposes, and different lesson types and suggested delivery methods invite students to apply their mathematical knowledge in a variety of contexts.
1. Greater focus on fewer topics
Eureka Math's content is organized around a "story" that unifies its content. In TK-5, it is called "A Story of Units." This story builds students' understanding of and ability to manipulate units. The standards call for students to study cases such as whole numbers, fractions, decimals, and measurements. Through their study, students learn about commonalities between units (e.g., they can be added, subtracted, multiplied and divided). Students also learn the unique features of some units (e.g, a rectangle's area units can be calculated by multiplying the rectangle's length and width).
2. Coherence: Linking topics and thinking across grades
Whether across a story, a grade band, a grade level, or a module, sequence is everything. Using its theme as an anchor, each Eureka Math story systematically organizes standards to leverage connections between concepts. Connections support students to access new learning and problem solving. The progression of conceptual understanding moves from simple to complex. At times that movement may be evident within a lesson, across a module, across a grade level, or even across grade bands.
Eureka Math's use of a specific set of models (e.g., tape diagrams, number line, number bonds) further supports coherence. Using a consistent set of models over time allows students to develop familiarity with them. As new concepts and skills are introduced, prior experience using the model in other situations naturally encourages students to make connections between content. Those connections deepen understanding.
3. Rigor: Pursue conceptual understanding, procedural skills and fluency, and application with equal intensity
Different lesson types and suggested delivery methods invite students to practice, explore, collaborate, and share and critique work with peers. The daily Student Debrief is a critical lesson component that provides ongoing opportunities for students to reflect on their learning about mathematics, recognizing patterns, and verbalizing connections between new and prior learning.
A menu of Fluency Practice helps students in Kindergarten through Grade 5 develop speed and accuracy. The curriculum suggests specific activities to maintain existing skills, to prepare for the current lessons with recently learned skills and to anticipate skills for upcoming lessons. Daily Fluency Practice is a substantial component of each lesson.
Modules include problems that encourage students to think quantitatively and creatively and that provide opportunities for students to model situations using mathematics. A range of problems serve multiple purposes, and different lesson types and suggested delivery methods invite students to apply their mathematical knowledge in a variety of contexts.