Social Emotional Learning

Lincoln Elementary school has committed to Social Emotional Learning for all students. This year we will be pursuing the following initiatives in order to ensure our students are well-rounded. 
  • MindUp lessons every two weeks
  • Counselor-guided lessons in classrooms
  • Social Emotional Learning Committee (Staff)
  • Attendance/On-Time positive reinforcement
  • South Bay Children's Health Center counseling provided on campus 
  • Positive Behavior Intervention Support (PBIS) school-wide (Paw Print Rewards) 
  • Wellness Council (Staff & Community) 
  • RBUSD Social Emotional Resources and Programs
Please see attached resources and flyers for more information about what our school and district offer for support. 
Lincoln is committed to its partnership with Beach Cities Health District and South Bay Families Connected, I encourage you to click and visit the below resources to support your child: 
Below, you will find helpful family resources in a newsletter. For further information, click on any of the titles in the newsletter.