1st & 2nd Grade Reopening Information

Dear Lincoln 1st and 2nd Grade Families:


We are excited to welcome our 1st and 2nd grade students back to in-person learning under the hybrid model beginning Monday, January 19, 2021. Below are details and logistics that will be important to review prior to our first day of in-person learning.


 Welcome Back Video:

Please take a few minutes to watch this video showing you and your student what to expect when you return to campus at Lincoln. Click here to view. Note: I used the previous date of January 11th in the video as it was recorded prior to the change of our in person return date.


RBUSD Reopening Plan:

Click here to view the revised RBUSD schools reopening plan. You will find detailed information regarding district safety protocols and practices within this guide as well as a clear outline of the two learning models.



Your child was placed in either the “A” Cohort of the “B” Cohort. Please refer to the email sent via Parent Square on Wednesday, January 6, 2021 for your child’s cohort assignment. If you are not able to locate your child’s cohort information, please contact the front office. On Tuesday, January 19, Cohort A will attend on Tuesday/Thursday that week. Cohort B will attend school in person on Wednesday, and Friday that week. The following week, January 25, Cohort B would attend on Monday.


Cohort Schedule:

The following schedule was shared with you in the January 6th email. Please keep this schedule handy so you are aware of which days your child will attend school in

person according to their cohort assignment.




1st and 2nd Grade Hybrid Schedule:


Below is a general outline of the learning day for 1st and 2nd grade students.




8:15 - 8:25

Student arrival window & health screening.

8:30 - 9:00

Morning Meeting, social emotional learning, Calendar, etc.

9:00 - 10:25

English Language Arts/Social Studies

10:25 - 10:55

Break (Recess & Snack)

10:55 - 12:55






Prepare Your Student for In-person Learning:

Be sure to take the time now to practice these independent skills with your student.

  • Keeping mask on at all times (over the mouth and nose)
  • Not touching their face/eyes
  • Washing hands with soap and water while you count to 20
  • Putting on/taking off jackets and sweaters
  • Buttoning/Zipping pants independently
  • Packing and unpacking backpack
  • Blowing their nose with a tissue
  • Opening all snacks and water bottles independently
  • Social distancing with friends and teacher
  • Navigating the iPad or Chromebook as well as all applications independently
  • Getting in and out of their car seat or booster independently

 Arrival Procedures:

Students must arrive at school between 8:15 - 8:25 am. Students can be dropped-off via the Lincoln valet lanes. There will be a specific entry point to pull in for valet, and the one you are assigned to will depend on the grade level your student is in. Staff members will be present to assist your student to get to the right classroom. When you drop your student off at the valet, a staff member will take your child’s temperature prior to entry into the campus. You will roll down the window of your vehicle so your student’s temperature can be taken. The staff member will open the door of your vehicle and assist your child out. It will be helpful to have your child seated on the passenger side of the vehicle, and have their backpack on their lap or at their feet. We ask that you are patient with us for the first few days as both students and staff become accustomed to our new procedures.

  • 1st Grade Students: Valet drop off is the second valet entry on Plant Ave. in front of the library.
  • 2nd Grade Students: Valet drop off is in the back parking lot located off of Vail Ave. at the Senior Center.

 Entry Gate/Room Information:

  • 1st grade classes- students will walk along the sidewalk and enter through the blue doors near the kindergarten yard on Plant Ave.
  • 2nd grade classes- Enter through the back gate in Senior Center parking lot.
  • Please note - social distancing markers will be placed on the ground so our students can practice safety procedures and social distancing while walking to their assigned entry


Dismissal Procedures:

Students are dismissed at 12:55 am daily. Similar to arrival, students can be picked up via the valet lanes in the same locations where they are dropped off at. Please continue to practice safety by ensuring everyone in your vehicle is wearing a mask anytime you are dropping off or picking up your child.

Health Screening & Safety:

Each day you will need to answer the following questions regarding your child’s health along with having his/her temperature taken prior to entering campus:


  1. Are any of the following statements true?
    1. My child has tested positive for COVID-19 in the last 14 days (2 weeks).
    2. My child has been tested because of COVID-19 symptoms and we are still waiting for


  1. Does your child live in a household with a person who has COVID-19 symptoms and:
    1. is waiting to take a COVID-19 test or
    2. is waiting for test results or
    3. has a confirmed COVID-19 diagnosis


  1. In the past 24 hours, has your child felt feverish or had a measured temperature greater than 4?


  1. Over the past 24-hours, has your child or anyone living in the household had any of the following symptoms that are not related to another condition?
    1. Fever
    2. New cough
    3. Vomiting
    4. Diarrhea


  1. In the past 10 days, has your child come into close contact (within 6 feet for 15 minutes or more) with someone who has tested positive for COVID-19?

*If you answer YES to any of the above questions please contact the Lincoln front office immediately at (310) 798-8646.


Recess & Snack:

  • Students will have a 30-minute recess/snack break each
  • Students will have access to various parts of the playground and will be taught to practice social distancing while having snacks and playing at
  • Please make sure you pack a small, nutritious snack for your child every Please ensure the snack is small since they will have 10 minutes to eat their snack.
  • Your student will also need a water bottle labeled with their name each day. Our drinking fountains and refill stations are closed.
  • Please ensure that the water bottle and the container the snack is in is something your child can open independently. 

CDC Students:

If your child attends CDC after their in-person school day, our teachers are aware and will ensure that students who are to go to CDC will be picked up by CDC staff members at the end of the school day.


If your child will NOT be attending CDC that day, please notify your students teacher 24 hours in advance, otherwise they will be dismissed to the CDC.


Grab & Go Meals:

For all families we are providing a Grab & Go Meal option following each students in-person school day at 12:55 pm. Students will have the opportunity to grab a bag with a hot lunch (to be eaten that day) as well as a bag with a cold breakfast (to be eaten the following morning) as they are leaving campus.


Attendance, Tardies, and Absences:

Please continue to contact your teacher when your child will be absent from school or fill out our online absence report. While we encourage our families to be on time for school each day, should your child need to be tardy, please call the front office from the parking lot when you arrive. A member of our staff will help your child get to his/her classroom after the health screening protocol.



Please ensure that your child has 1 extra mask with them in their backpack each day. Please label the mask, or the ziplock bag it is kept in. Your child also needs to bring their fully charged iPad to school daily. It would be helpful to include their charger in their backpack in case it is needed. Please purchase a case for your 1st grade student’s iPad. It will protect the iPad when your child carries it to/from school.


Backpacks will be the primary place for your child to keep his/her belongings. Please be sure the backpack is big enough to hold the following:


  • School issued plastic folder (folder will be issued when they return to in person instruction)
  • School-issued iPad or Chromebook (fully charged) in a case and charger
  • Headphones
  • Snack and water
  • Jacket or sweater (please dress your child in layers) doors and windows will remain open
  • 1 extra mask


While we appreciate your generosity in classroom donations, in lieu of sending materials to the classroom, please consider donating gift cards or eGift cards to Amazon or Target.


At-Home Cohorts:

If it is a day when your child’s cohort is not on campus for in-person learning, your child’s teacher will communicate with you the learning plan for the week as they regularly would in their weekly planners and emails.


Should you have any further questions, please contact myself or your child’s teacher directly. We are here to help and ensure our students return to school safely. We appreciate your patience as our staff, teachers, and students adjust to our new hybrid schedule and learning model. We know there will be bumps in the road and changes along the way. Your flexibility, support, and partnership during this time is greatly appreciated.


With care,


Brianne Nakayama
